Mold Removal and Money Saving Tips
Mold Issues and Mold Removal
No one likes an unwelcome guest in their home. We’re not only talking about your crazy relatives, but that pesky mold that seems to find every crevice of your humble abode. Seeing your walls, molding and shower tiles start hosting this guest can be traumatizing to any homeowner. Not only is it physically unattractive it can also cause serious health issues, depending on the degree of mold. Use these mold removal tips to help you and your walls breathe a little easier while keeping your wallet full this spring.
Mycotoxic mold spores are those containing toxins in the cell wall. This type of mold can be harmful to you and your family’s health. It can cause immune diseases, cancer or even death in some cases. This type of mold should never be handled alone. Cleaning such toxic mold should be handled by a professional cleaning service. See the link below to find a service near you.
Mold Removal Cost
If you decide to tackle this monster on your own to save a couple of bucks, you’re in luck; there are ways to rid your home of the mold. Just make sure you know it’s safe to proceed. If the mold is confined to a surface area of no more than 10 square feet (about 3-feet-by-3-feet), the EPA suggests you can remove it yourself by scrubbing hard surfaces with detergent and water, then drying.
Bathroom Mold Removal
Begin this adventure with the proper gear. Make sure to cover your mouth and nose with a safety mask. Be able to wear latex gloves, because like stated before, mold can cause serious health issues. Bathrooms are one of the most popular places to find that mold. It’s constantly exposed to warmth and water on a daily bases. Tile grout is a fashionable place for this pest to live. It provides cracks and crevices for the mold to grow in strength, while germs accumulate on the service daily. Use chlorine bleach mixed with water, a 50/50 solution ($2.69). Spray on tile walls or floor grout and mold should disappear quite quickly, but only with constant care. Since your bathroom is constantly being exposed to high humidity and water, be sure to wipe down your tile walls and shower doors after every visit. This will keep the water from sitting on the surface for a long period of time. If your bathroom has a window, be sure to crack it while showering or leave your door open so heat has somewhere to travel. Keeping your surfaces free of water, heat and germs will guarantee your bathroom’s a little prettier next time. Estimated Professional Bathroom Mold Removal Cost ranges from $500 to $1,333
Drywall can be tricky when dealing with mold. If the infected area is less than 10 square feet, you can tackle this problem yourself. Some supplies you will need are an x-acto knife ($6.5), sand paper (2.55$), scrub brush($15.99), scrap rags, drywall patch kit ($10) and a mold cleaner that can be picked up at any utility or hardware store ($3.99). You will need to cut out the drywall that has been infected. Be sure to add a couple inches outside the mold to make sure any spores aren’t left behind. Once the wall is removed make sure to sand any studs surrounding the wall since the spores could have easily spread to the posts. Spray your mold cleaner on the posts so the liquid can penetrate the wood while killing any infection that may be left. Once the area is dry, you can now use your patch kit to repair the wall. Unfortunately if the mold has traveled more than 10 square feet you will have to have a specialist take care of the mildew. Estimated professional drywall mold removal cost ranges from $1,000 to $13,500
Mold Removal Upholstery
Many homes in warm climate naturally have a higher humidity in their homes. This can lead to your homes furniture carrying mold spores. Since upholstery is very porous this provides an ideal home for mold growth. Make sure that any fabrics that become wet are dried quickly with fans and blow dryers. If you are able to remove the fabric and place it in a dryer, this will provide the quickest drying method. Air conditioning can help as it tends to dry out your homes air. If you are not able to remove the fabric, make sure to take the furniture outside since mold is so easily spread to other objects. Vacuum up any noticeable mold on the outside and be sure to dispose of the vacuum bag immediately. Apply mild soap to a rag with minimal water and massage into infected area, wipe dry. You may use a rubbing alcohol water mixture as well ($2,29). A 50/50 solution should help kill and dry out the mold a little quicker. Keep the object outside as long as possible so it can dry out. If a mildew smell is still existent there are many aerosol solutions that can tackle those smells ($10-25). If the mold has spread too far into the fabric or furniture you may have to dispose of the object or have a professional take a look. Estimated Professional Mold Removal Upholstery cost ranges from 10 to $25 per square foot
Attic Mold Removal
This type of mold might be a little harder to find and is easier to prevent than to fix. Most people don’t make a daily trip to their attics. It is used as a storage room for many homeowners in which you should make sure your property isn’t being damage from this mildew. Mold thrives in dark places, and nothing is darker then this storage area. The first thing you should notice is your home ceilings. If there is any water damage to them, there is most likely water coming from your roof, which in turn is coming from your attic. Make sure your insulation is up to date as well as your ventilation system. Attic fans can run anywhere from $65 to $150 dollars. Keeping the attic dry is crucial. Since summertime can cause high humidity make sure to take that ladder out once in and while to make sure your attic is keeping nice and dry. If you do find mold, it would be in a homeowner’s best interest to have a professional inspect it. You never know what type of mold it is or how long it has been growing. Once mold has started to grow in a large scale so do the costs. Estimated Professional Attic Mold Removal cost is between $1,000 and $4,833.
Mold Removal Service
If you cannot identify the type of mold or how bad it may be, you should always have a professional take a look.
The cost of mold remediation might be tax deductible; check with your tax professional or the IRS.
Keep in mind that mold is not to be taken lightly. If you would like to find a local service to rid yourself of the mold please use the directory at Read customer reviews to find the best mold cleanup service in your area and avoid unreliable or overpriced companies. Research your potential mold cleanup company before hiring, otherwise you may be dealing with an inexperienced cleaning company.
Great Article! Nice to know once we start pulling down plaster walls and lift up rugs and flooring, what we may need to do. And if we’re not sure, to contact a professional. I reading this and feel I’ve learned alot.
Thank you,