It is estimated that as many as 15 million people in the United States struggle with hoarding to some degree and thanks to popular reality TV shows such as Hoarders with Matt Paxton, much more has been learned about this disorder. Hoarding is in fact a disorder that is a symptom of anxiety and manifests as the extreme collecting of anything and everything including newspapers, food, seemingly random objects, trash, and sometimes animals. Individuals that struggle with hoarding disorder have difficulty throwing away anything which results in an ever growing hoard of more items that can lead to very dangerous living conditions inside a home. A large accumulation of hoarded items can block access to areas in the home which can be very dangerous in an emergency, increase the risk of a fire because much of the materials are flammable, and contribute to an unhealthy living environment by harboring bacteria, mold, mildew, and even pests.
Thanks to the increased attention to hoarding disorder, much of what is now understood about hoarding is applied to hoarding cleaning services to provide more effective help for those that are affected. Restoration companies that provide hoarding cleanup stress the importance of establishing mutual trust and respect with the individual and including him or her in the planning and implementation of the cleaning process so that he or she has control over what gets kept and what gets thrown away.
In almost every case of hoarding, a close friend or family member initiates the cleaning process because those that struggle with hoarding are often embarrassed by their situation and do not want to draw attention to their homes. It is important for the friend or family member intervening on their behalf to assure them that hoarding is not an embarrassing situation but that they do need help because hoarding can have some serious consequences. Once the individual agrees to get help cleaning the home, it is time to contact a restoration professional that provides hoarding cleaning services.
Cleaning the home of a hoarder is a difficult task that requires effective planning and execution and professionals that provide hoarding cleaning services have the experience and cleaning equipment to thoroughly clean and disinfect the homes of hoarders. These professionals can handle the most extreme cases of hoarding including the removal of biohazard materials such as bacteria and decomposing animals.
The hoarding cleaning services offered by professionals typically include the following steps:
- Complete removal of unwanted items followed by cleaning and sanitizing of the home.
- Help deciding whether items should be thrown away, recycled, or donated.
- Salvaging valuable items including money, jewelry, and other keepsakes.
- Throwing away and/or donating unwanted items.
- Distributing kept items to family members and friends.
- Assistance with paperwork concerning lawyers, trusts, and government agencies.

Hoarding clean up
Hoarding can have serious consequences for those individuals affected as well as their families and it is important to reach out to them before the situation becomes more hazardous. Professionals that provide hoarding cleaning services will not only clean and restore the homes of hoarders, but also make a personal connection with the individual and help them find additional help to deal with their problem if necessary. To find a professional that provides hoarding cleaning services in your area, give us a call at 1-(888) 915-7197.