How to Keep Safe on Slick Roads
Snow and ice can cause dangerous driving conditions for motorists and drivers. Temperatures hovering around 32 degrees can cause small amounts of water to turn to ice and cause slippery driving conditions even in mild weather. There are ways you can weather the streets while knowing how to keep safe on slick roads.
Learn How to Keep Safe on Slick Roads

Keep Safe on Slick Roads
First thing to keep in mind is to make sure your vehicle is ready for the elements. This includes properly filling tires, battery maintenance, brake maintenance as well installing new windshield wipers each winter. Remember to check you antifreeze levels and that all other fuels are topped off before you start a journey in bad weather.
Snow and sleet can be an obvious threat to drivers, but black ice is invisible and not easily detectible. Black ice will look to be a little darker and duller compared to the rest of the road surface.
When driving on ice and snow, it is important to go SLOW. This includes allowing three times more space than usual than the car in front of you.
One of the most common problems drivers face is sliding on slick and icy roads. If the back of your vehicle starts to skid, make sure to take your foot off the accelerator and steer in the direction that you want your front wheels to go. If you have standard breaks pump them gently, if you have anti-lock breaks just apply steady pressure to the breaks.
Always have essentials in your car in case of emergencies. This should include shock cables, blankets, flashlights, a gas can, batteries and first aid kit.
Let’s remember the best way to face these dangerous driving conditions is to just avoid them all together. If it is absolutely necessary to leave the house, make sure to check weather alerts, slow down, stay aware of driving conditions and make sure to stay in control.