5 Common Causes of a High Water Bill
Water is an essential part of daily life for American households, and paying the water bill is typically a routine task. However, an unexplained spike in the monthly bill can catch homeowners off guard. To help you uncover the reason behind the sudden increase, here are five potential causes to consider.
What Causes a High Water Bill?
A family of four in the U.S. uses more than 300 gallons of water per day. The average monthly water bill in the nation is $49, with most bills ranging from $40 to $60. When the water bill is significantly higher, homeowners have cause for worry.
The following are the most likely causes of a sudden increase in your water bill:
1. A Leak
Household leaks are the biggest cause of a high water bill. Leaks are not always apparent and can go undetected until the water bill arrives. For every week that goes by without addressing the leak, 180 gallons of water are wasted. Per year, that’s 9,500 gallons of wasted water.
Toilets account for 25 percent of indoor water usage. A leak in the toilet could be behind the high water bill. Check by adding food coloring to the tank. After 15 minutes, inspect the toilet to see if the color runs into the bowl. If so, a leak is present.
Faucets consume 19 percent of household water use. A minor drip seems trivial, but it leads to a few gallons of wasted water per day. Rather than ignore it, close the faucet tightly or replace the washer. Fortunately, a leaky faucet is easy to detect and can be readily fixed.
Related Read: 10 Places to Find Water Leaks
2. Excessive Water Use
Households may consume more water than necessary. Common water-wasting habits include leaving the faucet on while doing the dishes or brushing teeth. People also run the faucet until hot water flows. Running the dishwasher or washing machine when they are not full is another water-waster.
Watering the lawn too frequently during the rainy season contributes to water waste. Failing to maintain the pool or hot tub can lead to leaks that raise the water bill. Using outdated laundry machines and other appliances that rely on water are less efficient and waste water.
Water bills are usually higher in the summer season due to increased usage. Pools, for instance, are filled or topped off and the lawn requires watering. When the kids are home for summer or guests utilize the bathrooms and laundry units, more water is used.
3. Faulty Water Heater
Another appliance that relies on water is the water heater. If it springs a leak, components disconnect or other malfunctioning occurs, the water bill can spike significantly. Even though it’s a large expense, a new water heater should replace the worn one to save on costs in the long run.
4. A Water Rate Increase
The water utility company may raise its rates. The higher the volume of water used—combined with a higher rate—increases the monthly water bill. Bills are calculated using various rate structures, such as a uniform rate, seasonal rate, increasing block rate, and water budget rate.
When an increasing block rate is applied, households that use more water pay more per unit. Some utility companies charge higher rates in summer than in winter due to increased water demands. Surpassing the utility company’s set water budget (based on household size) also incurs a higher rate.
5. Defective Water Meter
If the town has not imposed a rate hike, no household leaks are present and water usage isn’t excessive, then the water meter may be faulty. Although this is an uncommon issue, it’s important to test the water meter to ensure it reads accurately.
Test the water meter by turning of the water. If the water meter runs despite no water being utilized, the device is likely faulty. In cases where the water meter is defective, call the city to request a replacement meter.
What are Tips to Maximize Efficiency?
High-energy washing machines use less water and are recommended for their enhanced drum designs and water-saving settings. Low-flow toilets are also ideal for saving on water and its costs; some models are equipped with dual-flush options. Upgrading the toilets pays for itself in savings within a few years.
When brushing teeth, turn off the faucet to save eight gallons of water per day. Take shorter showers, as every minute less spent in the shower saves 2 to 4 gallons of water. Run the dishwasher when it’s full and upgrade to an Energy Star-certified dishwasher for maximum savings.
Similarly, run the washing machine when it’s full and use the right settings. Heavy-duty settings use more water and should be reserved for heavily soiled clothing. Replace an old washing machine with an Energy Star-certified one. Consider artificial grass on the lawn or limit watering it.
Professional Water Damage Restoration
When the water bill Is high and a leak is suspected, it’s important to repair it right away. Water pipes and appliances that leak lead to substantial water damage within a short period of time. You can prevent extensive loss by consulting a qualified water damage restoration company.
Skilled water damage cleanup technicians arrive promptly after your call to assess the scope of water damage. They formulate and implement a restoration plan, which includes running advanced water extraction equipment to remove standing water from the affected areas.
Using moisture detection equipment, they can locate hidden sources of water and repair them. Next, they thoroughly dry the premises by running powerful dehumidification machinery. Debris is removed during the cleanup phase and the property is restored to its pre-loss condition.
An experienced water damage restoration company can handle water damage of any extent. Highly skilled techs successfully restore properties affected by water damage from floods, broken appliances, and burst water pipes, among others, and they are equipped to safely clean sewage backups.