Holiday Money Saving Tips For This Season
Holiday Money Saving Tips
Money can often times be tight during the holiday season. Gifts, food decorations and extra expenses can put a strain on your wallet. Rather than stressing about finances, make sure to follow some simple money saving tips this season.
Money Saving Tips
- First thing to remember is your budget. Know how much you can spend without straining your savings account. If you can keep to a tight budget and not exceed this amount, you should be good. But lets be honest, it is hard to keep track of spending when you pay with plastic. Purchase a prepaid gift card, such as Visa or American Express. Put your budget on the card so you know you have a limit. If you recognize the dollar amount, you are less likely to over spend on gifts and food. Take a look at CNN Money for more daily budgeting tips.
- Make a list of people you are giving gifts to, then plan out what you would like to get them before heading to the mall. If you window shop, you are more likely to spend extra on gifts. Plan the gift ideas out before hand so you can check local stores or online to see if sales are offered as well. If you give yourself a little extra time to shop around you most likely will find a better deal.
- Focus on the quality of gifts versus the quantity. Many people like to give gifts by the plentiful, this can stretch your budget often times. By purchasing too many gifts, you may buy less quality gifts that your recipients may not enjoy. Provide gifts that will want to be kept.
- Holiday parties can take a toll on the pocket book as well. Keep in mind you don’t have to go to them all as well. Attending these parties require bringing a small gift, h’orderves and even a new outfit. Choose your parties wisely.
- Give yourself plenty of time to shop. Discount outlets are a great place to find less expensive gifts. Because often time these outlets are farther away, give yourself ample time to do your shopping. This also goes along with shopping malls. Many convenient stores, such as music and card stores mark up to 15% on goods. This is purely for convenient purposes. Corporate companies know it’s difficult to travel to multiple stores and that you may be willing to pay a little more to not leave the mall.
- Carry cash. If you don’t use a prepaid credit card, cash will help you stay on track. Budget your daily outings so once you run out of cash you know you are done for the day.

Learn About Holiday Money Saving Tips
Holidays can be a stressful time for anyone. Between a family get together, decorating and financial strains, the holiday season can be tough. Be sure to plan accordingly and budget smoothly. If you follow some of these money saving tips you are sure to have a less stressful holiday.
Do not forget to give back to your community.