10 Remarkably Easy Ways to Create a Dust-Free Home
Dust can be one of the most frustrating and constant complaints of house care. Often it isn’t noticeable until it has already become a problem, making the task seem insurmountable. Even when your house looks clean, it still can be dusty. Dust can aggravate allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions, making it all the more important to keep it down in your home. Here are some ways that you can create a dust-free home.
- Purge clutter. Dust loves to cling to stationary objects. It will settle over anything that is not moved routinely. If you have a tendency to stack papers or books up on tables and leave them there for extended periods of time, they will collect dust. Since many of us ignore spaces that need to be decluttered, the dust situation will only get worse. Instead, purge all of the clutter hanging around on tables and counters. Once it is not covered in items, it will be easier to clean routinely.
- Check your duster. Feather dusters might have been the traditional means of dusting, but they are now obsolete. They will sweep the dust off of things, but all it does is distribute it back into the air, allowing it to simply settle somewhere else. Modern dusters have the ability to attract dust with the use of static, actually removing the dust from the area and preventing it from moving elsewhere.
- Invest in an air purifier. Air purifiers come with a lot of advantages. They literally suck in all of the bad air in a room and remove any hazards before putting back into the air. These are great if you have allergies or breathing issues, and they will absolutely reduce the amount of dust in your home. Keep in mind that you might need more than one to cover every space that you want coverage.
- Remove carpeting. If you have the option to, removing your carpeting in your home will also reduce dust. Dust easily settles into the fibers of your carpet, making itself comfortable. Even when you vacuum, there is a good chance that there is still dust within the fibers. If you cannot remove the carpet, you should at least invest in a quality vacuum or have it professionally cleaned.
- Use a vacuum with HEPA technology. You do not want just any vacuum when it comes to keeping your home dust-free. You need a vacuum that has HEPA technology. HEPA, which means “High-efficiency particulate air,” is a type of filtration system that catches particles from the air. There are many benefits of using a HEPA vacuum, including keeping dust down and keeping allergies in check. In a vacuum, HEPA will catch even the tiniest dust particles inside of the vacuum, instead of letting them back into the air as you clean.
- Clean the high shelves too. When dusting, it is easy to ignore the top-most shelf, because you cannot see it. After all, when you can’t see the dust, it is much easier to forget about. But in order to have a dust-free home, you must address every area that has dust settled on it, including the top-most shelves. You might need a stool or a ladder, but do not neglect the highest shelves when it comes to dusting. Because, the dust will still be there, floating up into the air, and falling back down randomly.
- Use doormats. Much of the dust that is coming inside of your house is tracked in with your shoes or your boots. Even if you only have the finest particles of dirt on the bottom of your shoes, it can still turn into dust in your household pretty quickly. A great way to avoid this is to have good, quality doormats outside. These doormats will make it easy to wipe off any dirt from the shoes before anyone comes into your home.
- Take care of your pets. A lot of dust comes in your house off of the fur coat of your furry best friend. Dogs and cats alike bring in a lot of dirt and dust that will just settle all over your house. To manage this, you should be bathing your animals regularly. It will remove the dirt from their fur, helping to reduce the amount of dust in your home. Brushing their fur daily will also help reduce the amount of dust that is just sitting on their fur, while reducing the amount of loose hair you might have gotten otherwise.
- Close your windows. Dirt and pollen easily blow into your home through open windows. Your window screens will not have the HEPA technology on board, allowing larger particles to travel indoors and settle onto your objects without fail. The best thing to do to prevent this is to keep your window shut. Even if you are used to sleeping with the window open, it is important to keep your window closed to reduce the amount of dust that blows right into your house.
- Invest in cleaning services. Some of us simply do not have the time to keep dust down in a way that we want to. With so many family obligations, there is no reason to feel overwhelmed with housework. Instead, you should consider hiring a cleaning company. These professionals know exactly what it takes to keep dust in your house down, leaving you with the clean space you deserve. Some people are hesitant to hire cleaners, getting hung-up on a point of pride, but the truth is, we all need a helping hand once in a while and having a routine cleaning person to help us manage can bring more sanity to our daily lives.
All in all, having your home dust-free will not only keep it cleaner, but it can help reduce your family’s risk of developing any kind of dust-related health concerns. Keeping up with your cleaning regularly is the best thing that you can do to tackle the dust, including vacuuming the floor, couch, and curtains. Be vigilant and you, too, will have a dust-free home.