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Aftermath Services in Detroit, MI

(888) 846-1791

It’s normal to become overwhelmed upon discovering a scene where someone has been badly injured or killed. Knowing what to do can keep a terrible situation from becoming even worse. Cleaning up after an event like this is best left to the professionals who know how to do it safely and effectively. Aftermath Services has been the industry leader in biohazard and crime scene cleanup since 1996. We provide expert biohazard cleaning, crime scene cleaning, blood cleaning among other services to the Detroit, MI area. Our experts have extensive training and certification and we can effectively remove blood, bodily fluids, tissue and other biohazards to help avoid infections and diseases. We also understand that situations like these can be emotionally devastating to family and friends, and we treat our clients with care and compassion. We strive to always protect their emotions and their privacy.

Each and every one of our technicians are trained and certified to provide comprehensive cleaning and restoration services for crime scenes, trauma scenes and biohazard materials in complete compliance with all local, state, and federal regulations. Our powerful cleansers and hospital strength sanitizers remove bacteria, toxins and other biohazard remnants. We remove all biohazardous materials in approved containers to an authorized facility for legal disposal. These materials can’t be thrown in normal household trash for fear of spreading disease, so it’s vital to call the experts at Aftermath Services for proper handling.

Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (888) 846-1791 in the Detroit, MI area if you need biohazard or crime scene cleanup services. We’re here in your time of need.

Our complete list of aftermath services includes:


Crime Scene Cleanup by Aftermath in Detroit MICrime Scene Cleanup – Detroit, MI

Dealing with a violent crime on your property is frightening, but knowing what to do makes a big difference in how things go from there. The first step is to leave the crime scene untouched and call 911. The next step is to call the experts at Aftermath Services. We have the training and experience to clean and restore a crime scene without damaging evidence and compromising the investigation.


Biohazard Cleanup in Detroit MI - AftermathBiohazard Cleanup – Detroit, MI

Biohazardous materials pose a special danger because they contain bacteria and other toxins that can spread disease. Biohazardous materials include several types of organic materials such as sewage, mold, blood, tissue and other bodily fluids. They must be handled in an extremely careful way in order to prevent further contamination. Aftermath Services makes sure all our technicians are fully trained in the safe removal of these hazards, as well as the proper methods of transportation of the materials to a licensed facility for disposal.

Death Cleanup Services by Aftermath in Detroit MIDeath Cleanup – Detroit, MI

Death may be a certainty in life, like taxes, but it’s still an overwhelming experience. Death scenes often contain biohazardous materials such as blood, tissue, and other bodily fluids that must be cleaned with care to avoid spreading diseases. Aftermath Services ensures that every technician is properly trained to clean and restore death scenes. We are nationally known for our services and make sure we treat each case with compassion and discretion.

Homcide Cleaning-Services by Aftermath in Detroit MIHomicide Cleanup – Detroit, MI

In 2013, there were over 300 murders in Detroit. These are very emotional times for family and friends, and dealing with cleanup is often more than they can bear. In addition, biohazards like blood and tissue are dangerous and it’s very easy to accidently compromise a criminal investigation. That’s why it’s best to leave the job to the professionals at Aftermath Services. Our team knows exactly how to work with law enforcement to clean a homicide scene without damaging evidence. We always keep in mind that there are people behind these jobs and treat the scene, and loved ones, with the utmost courtesy and respect.

Blood-Cleanup-Services-by-Aftermath-in-Detroit-MIBlood Cleanup – Detroit, MI

Blood may be the most common fluid in the human body, but if handled improperly, it can spread infections and disease. Aftermath Services uses commercial cleansers not available to the general public to safely and effectively remove blood from household surfaces and sanitize them so it’s safe to return.

Bio Recovery Services by Aftermath in Detroit MIBio Recovery Services – Detroit, MI 

Biohazardous materials such as blood, mold, sewage and tissue are difficult to clean and extremely dangerous to those who don’t have the proper training to clean them. Infection and disease are easily spread, so it’s vital to call the experts at Aftermath Services to handle the job. We can remove all types of biohazards safely and effectively, transport them in approved containers, and take them to a licensed facility for legal disposal.

Hoarding Cleaning Services – Detroit, MIHoarding-Cleaning-Detroit-MI

Aftermath is a professional biohazard cleanup company that offers hoarding cleaning services in Detroit, Michigan and surrounding areas. We understand that the emotional trauma of a hoarding situation can be just as damaging to a home or business owner than any physical damage caused by hoarding. Our team of experts has years of experience providing cleaning, deodorization and disinfection to businesses and individuals wanting to rid themselves of the clutter, disease and mess that hoarding can create in their homes and offices.

Odor Removal Services – Detroit, MIOdor-Removal-Detroit-MI

Aftermath is a leading provider of  odor removal services in the Detroit, MI area. We utilize special chemicals and tools to neutralize any smells, leaving your home feeling fresh and clean. Our technicians can remove pet urine smells, mildew odors, smoke odors and many other types of unwanted scents.



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Recent Reviews

Review by Patricia B., Edison, NJ
Aftermath Cleanup

Rating 5 5 Star Disaster Restoration Rating

"Thank you for making our lives easier at a very difficult time. You were compassionate and professional. We appreciate your hard work."

Review by Nicole H., Punxsutawney, PA
Aftermath Cleanup

Rating 5 5 Star Disaster Restoration Rating

"Following an unbelievable tragedy, I was met by a compassionate on site supervisor, who proceeded to assume responsibility for which I was unprepared and unable emotionally to handle. Was notified about every step of process being taken, and all was done in a professional manner. Matt still keeps in touch concerning the repairs and our emotional state. Through this horrible tragedy, I felt comforted by his professional manner and felt that I had also made a friend. I would highly recommend Aftermath."

Review by Karen V., PA
Aftermath Cleanup

Rating 5 5 Star Disaster Restoration Rating

“I was so comforted by this team.... Jennifer was so soft spoken & Kind & compassionate. Kris & Justin & Jennifer were all more than what we could have prayed for in this situation. Thank you.”

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