Simple Ways to Save Money on Utility Bills
The changes in seasons bring a change in our utility bills. Water, electric, heat, cable and every other bill that fills our mailboxes seem to come all too frequently each month. These bills seem to always be higher than we expect, because of this, there are certain things that can be done to cut back and save money on utility bills.
Tips and Ways to Save Money on Utility Bills
Water Bills
Water bills can be decently reasonable if you live in an area with an abundance of it, yet many areas of the US have to use underground water and other extraction methods to bring water to your city. These people will end up paying premium once their bill comes.
– Run your dishwasher once it is completely full. If you wash dishes by hand, make sure to not leave the water running while you soap the dishes.
– Always turn off water when brushing your teeth.
– Fix leaky faucets and toilets. You may not think they’re leaking a lot of water, but they will over time.
– Shorten showers! We have all been culprits of that long hot shower, but it can put a strain on your bill every month.
– Using a low-flow showerhead will help as well.
– Don’t use as much laundry. The less laundry you have to do the less water is needed.
– Purchase Energy Star appliances, almost all companies are making energy and water saving appliances.
Heating / Gas Bills

Save Money on Utility Bills
– Turn down your thermostat. You may think lowering the temperature a couple degrees doesn’t matter, but it is said that for every 1 degree lowered, you save 3% on your heating bill.
– Reversing ceiling fans will pull heat that has risen to the ceiling.
– Cover your windows! Drafty windows can be your worst enemy. Plastic window coverings can drastically save you money in the colder months. Keep in mind closing blinds and drapes will help with additional drafts.
– Maintain your furnace. Change filters regularly and provide maintenance so your furnace runs efficiently.
– Remove air conditioning units from windows since they are not airtight.
-Try to refrain from opening oven doors while cooking, you lose about 20-50% of heat each time that door is opened.
– To have your air ducts cleaned call a qualified duct cleaning company to get the job done.
Electric Bills
– Turn off lights! Make it a habit for you and everyone in the household to turn off lights when leaving a room.
– Take it a step further and purchase energy saving lighting.
– When purchasing appliances, check for the Energy Star symbol.
– Make sure you know how powerful your appliances need to be. Too many times a homeowner will purchase an appliance that is too powerful for them. This obviously wastes money.
These are just a few simple tips on how to save money on utility bills year round. It’s never too late to start practicing these ideas to keep you wallet full!