Decluttering Your Garage
We are all victims of that little thing called clutter. Basements, attics, bedrooms, garages, kitchen tables, and that “frequently” used treadmill see the brunt of your everyday mess. But let’s face it, your garage starts to fill up more and more as time goes on. Your cars occupy a one to two-car space, and months later boxes and clutter seem to find residence there. Every homeowner tries to keep their lives chaos free, but we’re all guilty of that mess.
- Below are just some helpful hints on decluttering your garage.

Decluttering Your Garage
Decluttering Your Garage
- The first thing to realize is that you will have to give some things away. People start to hoard and accumulate clutter because they have too much junk. Many people have a problem with holding on to things that don’t have any sentimental value. When you start to collect items, it is hard to keep an organized lifestyle. A rule of thumb to live by is with every one thing you purchase, give away an item to charity. This habit will ensure that you don’t start hoarding unnecessary items day to day. Donations and charities are in every city and neighborhood benefiting all types of causes. Furniture, clothing, and appliances are all things that can be donated. Keep in mind donations are also tax deductible, so don’t forget that recipe. Once you decide you want to start organizing your garage, make the piles that you like to keep, donate and throw away. These three piles should determine which items you will have to organize down the line. Once you decide on decluttering your garage, you’re on the right track.
- Next, make micro groups with the items you wish to keep. These groups could include, holiday decorations, appliances, gardening supplies, car supplies, or even dry goods. These groups will help you divide what you are keeping so you can organize different sections of your garage for each group. Remember, the idea of decluttering your garage is to actually fit a car or two once you are finished.
- The next idea is to go vertical. You may not have a lot of floor space to put all your items. This is where the idea of organizers can help. Shelving units play a vital role when it comes to keeping a tidy home. Boxes can be stacked upon one another all the way to the ceiling. With proper installation of these wall fixtures, you can assure you are utilizing the entire area of your garage. Ceiling hooks can house bicycles and even garden hoses that can take up odd space on the ground. Today, there are so many organization methods to choose from, you’ll wonder why you haven’t been organizing this way all along.
- Once your garage is put back together, and your cars have their home back, remember to keep this habit up annually. The more you tidy up your garage each year the less you will have to organize in the long run. The hardest step to this is the first, committing to a clutter-free lifestyle. But I assure you, once you realize how great decluttering your garage is, you’ll wonder why it was ever a mess.
If your garage has lots of clutter which made you feel overwhelmed, you may need a professional hoarding cleaning. Do not hesitate to call professionals for your garage decluttering and cleaning.