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Hoarding Cleaning Services in Park Ridge, IL 60068

(630) 656-9915


Due to recent research of the hoarding disorder, RestorationMaster has been able to improve our services and gain a better understanding of the affected individuals. As it is classified as a mental disorder, the individual is struggling to let go of any personal items within their home.

This is considered a very sensitive situation, which is why our technicians take a compassionate approach to hoarding cleaning in Park Ridge, IL. We will work to remove all unnecessary items in addition to disinfecting and deodorizing the property, ultimately providing a safe and cleaning living condition for the individual once again.

Unsafe and Unsanitary Conditions

Hoarding Cleaning Services for Park Ridge, IL

When personal items are hoarded, they can include any of the following: books, magazines, animals, antiques, furniture, knick-knacks, board games, and more. While the hoard of items continues to grow over time, the risk for fire and other safety hazards will occur. In addition, some environments will harbor the perfect conditions for mold growth. Ultimately, all individuals living on the property are affected when this occurs.

However, the affected individual will need the help and understanding of a trusted friend or family member as they may be too embarrassed by the mess to call for help on their own. After discussing the need for professional cleaning services, call RestorationMaster right away to completely clean and disinfect the home. We will assist in the decision process of which items to keep and to discard. All unwanted items will then be recycled, donated, or thrown away.

Hoarding Cleanup

When all unwanted items have been removed from the property, the home will then be deodorized, disinfected, and sanitized of any odors, bacteria, and mildew that have developed over time. Our cleaning techniques fully comply with the standards of OSHA, the EPA, and Department of Transportation. RestorationMaster will also use powerful but safe products when cleaning the property. After these services are completed, the affected individual can safely return to a clean and sanitary living condition.

Our hoarding cleanup process includes the following procedures:

  • Decontamination: the property will be thoroughly disinfected after all unwanted belongings have been removed. The technicians will remove any odors, mold, bacteria, and even dead animals.
  • Deodorization: all odors will be removed, including the source.
  • Proper Disposal: all unwanted items will be delivered for disposal, recycled, or a non-profit organization. Any biohazards will be taken to a medical waste facility.

Free Estimate

While hoarding is considered a severe mental disorder that affects all individuals living on the property, it is crucial to have the home cleaned as soon as possible. RestorationMaster is available 24/7 to provide hoarding cleanup services at (630) 656-9915 in the Park Ridge, IL area, working with compassion and respect.

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