Tagged: commercial water damage
Water damage to a commercial business can lead to significant downtime and losses. The longer the business remains closed, the greater the chances customers will flock to the competitors. When commercial water damage strikes,...
Excessive moisture may seep into wooden courts from a number of common sources. A water damaged gym floor is also prone to mold growth. Timing is key when assessing whether or not a water damaged gym floor may be salvaged.
Buildings are the biggest asset for every business owner; discovering structural damage of any type will surely be stressful. While there are a number of preventative measures to take to prevent this type of...
It’s a given—floods in the US cause $6 billion in damages annually. Any place rain falls is vulnerable to floods. When a business is literally under water, the first thing business owners should do after taking care of employees is save their flood damaged electronic devices.
Commercial properties have an increased likelihood to experience water leaks. The greater chances of leaks occurring in the building are due simply to the fact that commercial spaces utilize far more water than residential properties. Here is what to do when finding a leak and some tips for getting it fixed.
Water damage on residential properties can be unfortunate for the homeowner because they must pay for repairs and possibly move their family out of the house temporarily. However, water damage on commercial properties is...