RestorationMaster Cleaning and Restoration Guides and Tips
Hoarding is a psychological disorder. People who hoard compulsively collect things, to the point where their homes become filled with just about everything they encounter. This includes garbage, junk mail, food products, consumer goods,...
The basement is the most commonly flooded area of a home for several reasons. Natural flooding and heavy rain enters basements easily through seepage and cracks in the foundation. Basements are also vulnerable to...
Summary: Refinishing Loose Edges: Clean and re-glue loose laminate edges using appropriate adhesives and tools. Repairing Laminate Bubbles: Attempt re-gluing or replace the bubbled section with a matching laminate sheet. Fixing Scratches: Use color-matched...
A home fire is a major catastrophe, but the aftermath of a fire can be just as damaging. Consider the fire extinguishment process, which can introduce water and chemicals into the home. Dampness leads...
Coming home to a flooded kitchen can be an unpleasant surprise as you immediately start thinking about how much this problem will cost to fix. While the feeling can be frustrating, there are actually...
The kitchen sink is one of the most used areas in your home. It’s no surprise that sinks, drains and pipes are often the first places to start smelling bad, especially if you have...
A smoke detector is an inexpensive way to protect the household from fire damage catastrophes. However, smoke detectors are known to randomly go off without due cause. Here’s how homeowners can prevent false alarms from their trusty household smoke detector.
Cooking mishaps, overheated candle burners, and curling irons that are not turned off can lead to burn marks on walls and cabinets. The fire damage is unsightly yet can be cleaned with the proper...
When it comes to indoor air quality (IAQ), dirty air ducts and registers can make a big difference, especially if you’re prone to allergies. In fact, duct cleaning can improve IAQ and help improve...
A musty smell could indicate all kinds of problems in your home. It could be a sign of a minor problem that can be remedied easily, or it could be a symptom of a...