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Restoration & Cleaning Services – Montgomery and Aurora, Illinois


Water Damage Restoration – Montgomery and Aurora, IL

Water damage is one of the most common causes of property damage because it can be caused by several different factors such as rain and floods, plumbing issues, burst pipes, and drain or sewage backups.  It is important to react to water damage right away because ignoring it will allow it to spread through porous building materials such as wood, drywall, and sub-flooring.  RestorationMaster provides water damage restoration services to homes and businesses in Aurora, IL to remove the water and repair the damage.  We use advanced drying equipment to remove water and moisture and we can also repair damaged structural elements such as cabinets, flooring, and drywall.

Sewage Backup Cleaning – Aurora, IL

Flooding and water damage is already considered a major problem in your home, but if the water contains sewage, there is an added danger to your health.  Sewage water contains waste materials and dangerous toxins that can easily spread infection or disease to those who come in direct contact with the water.  You must call a professional right away if you experience a sewage backup or flooding containing sewage water.  RestorationMaster provides sewage backup cleaning in Aurora, IL to remove flood water that contains sewage and restore the damaged areas.  Our technicians are properly equipped to safely remove sewage water and we can deep clean the affected materials with our advanced cleaning products and disinfectants.

Fire-Damage-Restoration-Aurora-ILFire Damage Restoration –Montgomery and Aurora, IL

A fire can happen at virtually any time in a home or office and it can quickly cause extensive damage, even in areas not directly touched by the fire.  The flames cause charring on the surfaces and objects it touches and after the fire is extinguished, soot, smoke, and corrosive byproducts keep spreading damage that will eventually become permanent. RestorationMaster provides fire and smoke damage restoration to help repair and restore homes and businesses in Aurora, IL that have been affected by fire.  Our technicians have the experience to clean and restore the damaged structural elements and furnishing and we can also effectively remove smoke odors.

Mold-Remediation-Aurora-ILMold Remediation – Montgomery and Aurora, IL

The sight of mold growth in your home or building should be alarming because it can cause adverse health reactions from exposure and cause extensive damage to the surfaces it affects.  Mold thrives in dark, moist areas with an organic food source and it will spread further throughout the building unless it is completely removed.  RestorationMaster provides mold remediation services in Aurora, IL to remove mold growth from homes and buildings.  Our technicians are trained and equipped to handle any size mold contamination and we can also help you take the right actions to prevent mold from returning.

Flood-Fire-Large-Loss-Aurora-ILFlood and Fire Large Losses – Montgomery and Aurora, IL

When a natural disaster causes damage to a business, the effects can really set the company back as the repairs and lost time result in a financial loss.  In these scenarios, it is important to get the damage restored immediately to help save costs on repairs and limit the amount of time spent out of commission.  RestorationMaster provides commercial restoration services for flood and fire large losses to help businesses in Aurora, IL recover from major disasters.  Our technicians are dedicated to working as quickly as possible to restore your property so that you can get your business running again.

Trauma Scene Cleaning – Aurora, IL

While it may be unlikely, there is always a chance of encountering the scene of a violent crime or accident and it is important to take the right actions to protect your health and get the scene restored.  These scenes can be very dangerous because biohazard materials like blood and bodily fluids could contain harmful pathogens and cleaning them up improperly will spread infection and disease.  You must call 911 as soon as you discover the scene, and then call a professional that is licensed to clean up biohazard materials.  RestorationMaster provides trauma scene cleaning services to clean up biohazard materials and restore the scene of an accident or violent crime in Aurora, IL.  Our technicians can fully restore the scene to a safe condition and we approach those who are grieving a loss with a sense of compassion.

Emergency Board Up – Aurora, IL

When you are faced with deep structural damage to your home or building, you must react immediately because an unstable building can sustain further damage and eventually collapse if it is not stabilized.  Heavily damaged buildings are also vulnerable if a disaster has left openings in the sides that could allow adverse weather, vandals, and animals inside.  Getting your home or building boarded up immediately will give you some time to decide on how to proceed with the restoration.  RestorationMaster provides emergency board up services in Aurora, IL to secure heavily damaged homes and buildings and keep them protected from further damage.  We will make sure your home is effectively boarded up and structurally stable until the rebuilding process can begin.


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