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Emergency Board Up Services for Oswego, IL

(630) 576-0336
There are so many ways that your home or building could sustain property damage and some natural disasters like fires, floods, and severe storms can cause enough damage to threaten the structural integrity of the building.  When severe structural damage occurs, the home or building could potentially collapse without quick stabilization.  Buildings in this state are usually heavily damaged on the outside as well and open to further damage from weather, vandals, and even animals. RestorationMaster provides emergency board up services in Oswego, IL to stabilize severely damaged homes and buildings and board up openings to keep the building protected.  We will make sure that the building is safely stabilized to prevent further damage while it awaits full reconstruction.

It is very difficult to tell if a natural disaster will cause significant structural damage to a home or building but once it happens, you must react immediately before the situation gets any worse.  The condition of unstable buildings can deteriorate the longer they are not stabilized and eventually they could even collapse.  If there are holes or openings in the roof or siding of the building, it is vulnerable to water damage from the rain and it may be invaded by animals or vandals.  Having the home or building boarded up immediately will provide temporary stabilization and protection from potential outside sources of damage.  Our technicians at RestorationMaster have the training and experience to effectively stabilize and board up homes and buildings so you can focus on the restoration without worrying about experiencing further damage.

Our emergency board up services include the following steps:

  • Roof tarping
  • Coverage of holes and openings
  • Barricades
  • Temporary enclosures

Experiencing significant structural damage to your home or building is an emergency that must be addressed as soon as possible to prevent disastrous consequences.  If you find yourself in this situation after a disaster in Oswego, IL, make sure you contact RestorationMaster to get your home or building boarded up immediately.  You can call us 24 hours a day at (630) 576-0336 for emergency board ups.