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Hoarding Cleaning for San Juan, TX

(956) 622-7349

RestorationMaster is a leading provider of hoarding cleaning services in San Juan, TX. This is thanks to the dedication of our talented technicians, and proven restoration and sanitization procedures. Through our services, we help those affected by hoarding disorder return their property back to a livable condition. When these situations are left unaddressed, the property can become increasingly dangerous, which is why it is important to seek assistance.

The Complexities of Hoarding Scenarios

Hoarding cleaning is unique because of the troubling psychological factors at play. The reason that people store so many belongings in their homes is because they suffer from a condition known as compulsive hoarding (hoarding disorder). This condition causes individuals to feel severe anxiety when they are faced with throwing items away. While many of us feel this sort of pressure when tossing items that hold sentimental value, hoarders feel it on a magnified scale, and for items ranging from knickknacks and general belongings to animals and even trash. The condition also makes it difficult for them to seek help, which is why trusted family members and friends often need to respectfully, yet sternly, approach the hoarder.

There are a number of dangers associated with hoarding, but they all boil down to the fact that items are being stacked up, and they are not being cleaned. This leads to several unique situations:

  • Hoarded items can block off avenues of escape in the case of emergencies
  • Mold and bacteria can build up to cause a number of illnesses and infections
  • Fire hazards mount as piles build up
  • Individuals can become trapped by falling items

Effective Hoarding Cleaning Services

At RestorationMaster, we eliminate the above dangers by completely sanitizing and restoring your property. While this does involve the disposal of many unnecessary items, it is needed in order to keep everybody within the home safe.

Our technicians fully understand the sensitivity of the situation, and always approach hoarding cleaning with a sense of respect and compassion. We will never just waltz on in and begin throwing things away. We always try to establish a relationship before beginning our cleaning. Our technicians are also properly licensed, bonded, and insured to provide hoarding cleaning services. We work in compliance with rules and regulations set by OSHA, the Department of Transportation, and the EPA. Overall, our process goes as following:

  • We work to establish a relationship with affected individuals
  • We remove unnecessary items, and decontaminate affected areas
  • We provide effective deodorization services
  • We properly dispose of any dangerous biohazard materials
  • We salvage and restore important personal belongings

To learn more about how we can help you and your loved ones with our hoarding cleaning services, simply contact our RestorationMaster representatives at (956) 622-7349. We are happy to assist property owners in the San Juan, TX, area.