If you are an insurance professional and looking for continuing education credits, check out our schedule where you can attend both 1 and 3 hours courses for free! Presented in both Rhode Island and Connecticut by Water Damage Drying Services, our training programs are designed to help all insurance professionals better serve their customers.
Check out the links below to see our CE class schedules:
2025 CE Class Schedule in Connecticut & Rhode Island
The following benefits are included in our CE classes:
- Minimize customer loss
- Reduce loss ratios
- Improve customer service
- Provide hands-on approach to learning about the mitigation and remediation process
- Reduce property losses
- Opportunity to fulfill necessary credit hours
Our free CE classes also include the following:
- Free parking
- Free Lunch, snacks, and beverages
- Various locations in Rhode Island and Connecticut
- Availability to present CE class to office locations for businesses with 10+ employees upon request
Contact Us for Registration
To register for these classes, please call Beth Markowski-Roop at (800) 934-5869 ext. 306 explaining which class(es) and date you are interested in attending.
Please note: RSVP as early as possible as space is limited.
Even if your schedule is too busy to fit in these CE classes, we can come to you! Call Beth to schedule the details of a 1 hour Lunch & Learn CE Class to be hosted at your office. Eligible for offices with 10+ employees.
Thank you! We look forward to seeing you at one or more of these classes! For additional questions regarding these classes, please call Water Damage Drying Services at (401) 205-8130.