Budget-Friendly Projects That Prevent Home Damage

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Repairing your home after it’s been through something like a fire, flood, or severe storm can end up costing thousands of dollars – especially if the foundation gets damaged. On top of that, it can be incredibly stressful to get those projects done when there are multiple things to deal with at once.
While you can’t predict natural disasters or accidents, there are things you can do to protect your home from them.
The best part about preventative projects is that they don’t have to break the bank or blow your budget. You can keep your home safe in cost-effective ways that can save you money in the long run, and keep you prepared for whatever potential disasters might occur.
Ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work? Let’s cover some of the projects that will offer the best bang for your buck.
Keep It Clean
You might not think cleaning your home is a “project,” but it certainly can be depending on the last time you scoured it.
While daily light cleaning is important, take the time to do a deep clean of your home every few months. Some of the benefits include:
- It reduces stress
- It helps to get rid of waste
- It improves indoor air quality
Most importantly, deep cleaning can get rid of harmful viruses and bacteria that might make you or your family sick. Disinfecting surfaces can also reduce the risk of mold growth. Mold can cause severe respiratory issues for people living in your home, and if it grows all over, it can create moisture that may contribute to structural damage. Look to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for home disinfectants that are safe and effective to use.
You can combine cleaning and preventative measures by getting organized, too. For example, if you’re in an area that is prone to flooding, consider installing shelves in different rooms. You can organize your belongings on the shelves to keep things off the floor, so they won’t get damaged if water seeps into the house. As an added benefit, you’ll end up with more space, which is a great way to make your home feel bigger.
Renovate for Real Estate
If you ever plan on selling your house, even years from now, it’s smart to consider home improvement projects that will boost property value. While some of those projects can be a bit expensive up front, they will end up protecting your home and preventing damage that could cost even more to repair. Additionally, they’ll add value to your house, so you’ll make your investment back (and then some) if you do decide to sell.
Some of the best projects to prevent home damage and add value include:
- Installing new windows
- Redoing the roof
- Refinishing the floors
- Installing a new front door
- Fixing any siding problems
When you have value in mind, it’s easier to dig into your budget a bit more. It’s also important to know what could end up hurting your property value. Not repairing existing damage from smoke, water, or mold could make it hard to sell your house for a decent listing price. So, if you’re already dealing with damage, repairing it, and sprucing things up with more secure, preventative measures will help you and your family live more comfortably now and make your home easier to sell in the future.
Practice Routine Maintenance
Some home projects hardly cost anything and can make a big difference in keeping your house safe. By checking on different areas of your home each season, you can stay within your budget and make sure nothing is putting your structure at risk.
Not sure where to get started? Here are a few ideas that can help you create a checklist:
- Cleaning out the fireplace before using it each winter
- Removing debris from gutters and downspouts
- Inspecting exterior door hardware
- Checking your water heater for leaks
- Cleaning out drains
Most of these projects don’t take much time, and if you inspect these areas frequently, you won’t have to worry about them becoming major problems.
A good rule of thumb is to look around your home and identify any potential risks or dangers. Creating a list for each season will help you stay on top of things so you don’t miss any potential threats that could get damaged if a disaster occurs.
Call a Professional
Most home projects can be done in a relatively short amount of time. If you have a bit of DIY knowledge, you can take care of things yourself to prevent home damage. But some projects are better off with a professional touch. Keeping your home safe is important but keeping yourself safe should be your top priority. You should contact a professional when:
- You could hurt yourself
- You could damage your house
- You might need a permit
While you might think hiring a professional will cost more money, take the time to compare prices and determine the value. If you do a project yourself that you’re hesitant about, factor in things like your time, trips to the hardware store, ordering special parts, and anything else that could be factored into the value of a project.
Then, compare it to the cost of a reputable professional.
It never hurts to get a quote from a contractor or handyman, especially if you’re hesitant about tackling a project yourself. If your goal is to prevent your home from damage, you want the project to be done correctly. Hiring someone might cost less than you think and having peace of mind about a well-done upgrade is often worth its weight in gold.
Certain areas of the country are more prone to experiencing natural disasters than others. If you live in a place that often deals with hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, or fires, taking preventative measures to keep your home safe should be a no-brainer.
But, even if you don’t live in a high-risk area, keep these prevention projects in mind. Accidents happen, and disasters can strike anywhere. By implementing some budget-friendly safety measures now, you’ll feel confident that your home will be able to withstand anything.