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Mold Remediation Services for Charleston and North Charleston, SC

(888) 915-7197
Many homes and buildings have had issues with mold at one time or another because mold spores are constantly present in the air and ready to form into mold growth once it finds a suitable environment.  Once mold growth appears, it can spread and cause significant damage to the affected surfaces and its presence increases the risk of related health effects such as allergy symptoms and respiratory issues.  RestorationMaster provides mold remediation services to clean up and remove mold from homes and buildings in Charleston and North Charleston, SC.  We use advanced cleaning equipment as well as the InstaScope testing system to accurately test for and remove hidden mold.

ServiceMaster Mold Remediation – Charleston and North Charleston, SC

Mold-Removal-and-mold-remediation-services-in-Charleston-SCThe only conditions mold needs to start growing are a moisture source and an organic food source which is typically cellulose, an organic substance found in wood, drywall, and other building materials.  Because the mold feeds on the cellulose, it can cause irreversible discoloration and damage to the affected surfaces if given enough time which leads to severe structural issues.  Mold can also produce a musty odor and it is a constant threat to spread by dispersing its spores throughout the home or building.  Exposure to the spores causes allergic reactions such as itchy eyes and throat, runny or stuffy nose, and skin irritation and it can trigger more serious health issues such as respiratory infections.

If you have recently experienced water damage or suspect that there may be mold in your home or building, you must call the professionals of RestorationMaster right away.  Our technicians will immediately work to stop the spread of the damage and we use the most advanced cleaning products and equipment to remove all mold growth.  Sometimes hidden mold can cause extensive damage because it grows undetected.  We can discover and remove all hidden mold using the highly accurate InstaScope testing system.  InstaScope testing is done in these three steps:

  • Baseline: We get a baseline measurement by measuring the airborne mold level outside the home or building.
  • Comparative Testing: After establishing the baseline measurement, each room of the home or building is tested and compared to the baseline measurement to identify areas with elevated mold levels.
  • Confirmation: After the mold remediation process is complete, we do one more round of testing to ensure that all mold has been effectively removed.

The presence of mold can have serious consequences for your property and your health so do not hesitate to take action.  Our professionals at RestorationMaster can effectively test for and remove all mold growth from homes and businesses in Charleston and North Charleston, SC to help limit structural damage and the associated health risks.  You can reach us anytime at (888) 915-7197 for mold remediation services in Charleston and North Charleston, SC.

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