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Hoarding Cleaning for Valencia County, NM

RestorationMaster of Albuquerque and West Mes

(505) 814-1411

While many of us are guilty of allowing unnecessary items and belongings to pile up from time to time, there are thousands of individuals across the nation that elevate this to another level. Commonly referred to as “hoarders”, these individuals experience extreme stress and anxiety when faced with throwing out items that they do not need. It is important to understand this because many individuals that struggle with hoarding tendencies are too embarrassed to seek help on their own, and thus put themselves, and their loved ones, in danger. We offer hoarding cleaning services with a sensitive approach here at RestorationMaster to help those who struggle with hoarding in Valencia County, NM.

Hoarded items can become an extreme health hazard in a variety of ways. One such way stems from the fact that highly cluttered areas are seldom, if ever, cleaned. This means that dust, mold, and other health hazards are left to fester. Additionally, when hoarding tendencies get out of control, avenues of escape are often blocked off. If an emergency were to ever occur on an affected individual’s property, they could very easily be stuck or stranded. In a worst case scenario, hoarded items are often perfect fuel for fires to spread. For these reasons and more, it is important to seek help when you or a loved one is affected by hoarding tendencies.

Effective and Compassionate Hoarding Cleaning Services

Here at RestorationMaster, we always work with compassion because we understand how difficult it can be to even get to the step where a professional cleaning service is contacted. Furthermore, we always establish trust with the affected individual before we provide our services. We also make sure to work with the affected individual throughout the cleaning process.

Our hoarding cleaning services are done in compliance with the rules and regulations set forth by the EPA, OSHA, and Department of Transportation. When you choose to take advantage of our hoarding cleaning services, you can expect the following:

  • Compassionate Service: We understand how difficult it can be to contact professional cleaners in these scenarios. This is why we always work to establish trust before beginning our primary services.
  • Item Removal: We work with affected individuals to throw away, recycle, or donate unwanted and unnecessary items. We are also licensed to dispose of harmful biohazard materials.
  • Deodorization: We provide full odor removal services.
  • Decontamination and Restoration: We provide complete sanitization and restoration services in order to return your home to livable conditions once more.

Contact Us for Hoarding Cleanup Services in Valencia County, NM

If you or a loved one is affected by hoarding tendencies, then we encourage you to contact us here at RestorationMaster about our hoarding cleaning services. We are available 24 hours a day at (505) 814-1411, and proudly service affected individuals in the following cities in Valencia County: