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Hoarding Cleaning Services for Summerville and Goose Creek, SC

(888) 915-7197
A lot has been learned about hoarding over the last several years that has helped shape the services provided to help hoarders clean their homes.  Hoarding is considered a mental disorder and it is rooted in anxiety that leads to the common behavior of letting items build up within the home.  As the hoard slowly grows, the home becomes dangerously cluttered and unsanitary as the hoard may harbor mold, bacteria, or other dangerous substances.  RestorationMaster provides hoarding cleaning services to help hoarders in Summerville and Goose Creek, SC clean out their homes.  We will not only clean and sanitize the home, but also establish a personal connection with the affected individual and make them part of the cleaning process.

Reliable Hoarding Cleaning

Hoarding Cleaning Services - Summerville and Goose Creek, SCHoarding cleaning cannot be treated like a typical cleaning service because of the condition involved with hoarding.  People that struggle with hoarding issues are usually embarrassed by the condition of their homes and have a hard time parting with any of the items they have accumulated.  It almost always takes a close friend or family member to help a hoarder begin the cleaning process.  We are familiar with the sensitive nature of hoarding cleanup and try to ease the stress of the individual by establishing a personal connection with them based on mutual trust and respect.  The individual is also part of the planning and cleaning process and we leave them with the final say when it comes to throwing away, keeping, or donating hoarded items.

The technicians of RestorationMaster have the training and experience to clean up severe cases of hoarding using the best cleaning products and equipment available.  Any biohazard materials we come across including bacteria growth, mold, bodily fluids, and dead animals will be removed and disposed of safely.  We will rearrange what is left in the home after removing the unwanted hoarded objects and we will thoroughly clean and disinfect the home to restore sanitary living conditions.  We make sure to work within the rules and regulations of the EPA, OSHA, and the Department of Transportation.

The hoarding cleaning services we provide include these steps:

  • Decontamination: Once the unwanted hoarded items are removed, the entire home is cleaned and decontaminated.
  • Deodorization: We can completely remove strong, unpleasant odors with our powerful deodorizers.
  • Proper Disposal: We will throw away, donate, or recycle the unwanted hoarded objects and ensure that biohazard materials are disposed of at a licensed facility.

The effects of hoarding become more dangerous as time goes on which makes it important to have the home cleaned out before the conditions deteriorate.  If you know someone who could benefit from our hoarding cleaning services in Summerville or Goose Creek, SC, make sure to call RestorationMaster for hoarding cleaning services immediately.  You can call us anytime at (888) 915-7197 for more information.