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Fire Damage Restoration – Greenwood Village, Colorado

(720) 706-8965

Experiencing a fire at your home or business can be very stressful and costly. Fires usually happen quickly and unexpectedly and cause a lot of damage to your property. After the fire has been put out, there is also smoke and soot damage to deal with. It is very important that you call our professionals at RestorationMaster for professional fire restoration services. We help owners of homes and businesses that have been affected by fire and smoke in the Greenwood Village, CO area. We can help you remediate the damage as we have the right equipment and the expertise to ensure that the damage does not spread.

The flames are not the only source of property damage when a fire occurs. Soot, smoke, and other corrosive byproducts can cause major damage to various materials as they can create etching and tarnishing. Soot and chemicals that are emitted after synthetic materials are burned can cause additional damage to materials such as aluminum, chrome, marble, tile etc. Therefore, it is crucial to react right away so that the damage can be remediated quickly. RestorationMaster helps home and business owners affected by fire by restoring any damaged materials.

Our fire damage restoration services include the following process:

  • Emergency pre-cleaning
  • Cleaning of contents
  • Content pack-out
  • Cleaning of ceilings and walls
  • Deodorization of the affected space

What to Do After a Fire

  • Once the fire has been extinguished, make sure to call RestorationMaster. We can start restoring the space right away to prevent further damage.
  • Open all doors and windows if the temperature is at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Clean the following materials right away to prevent further damage: aluminum, chrome, Formica, and porcelain.
  • Replace the air filter if your furnace uses forced hot air.
  • Tape damp cheesecloths to every return and supply vent.
  • Throw away any open food containers.
  • Leave the refrigeration door open and clean it out if you were faced with a power outage.
  • Any clothing affected by smoke should be taken to a professional cleaner.

What NOT to Do After a Fire

  • Do not touch any drywall, upholstery, or wood after a fire as the oil from your hands can worsen the damage.
  • Don’t attempt to wash walls, upholstery, or furnishings that have been soot damaged.
  • Make sure all electrical appliances are inspected before use.
  • Ensure that the ceiling is not wet before using ceiling fixtures.

You can call RestorationMaster at (720) 706-8965, 24 hours a day if your home or business in the Greenwood Village, CO area has been affected by fire. We will react right away to prevent further damage to your property. We use top-notch equipment and cleaning methods to restore your property back to its original state.