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Hoarding Cleaning Services for Truckee, CA


As we continue to learn more about hoarding disorder, the behaviors associated with hoarding can become better understood which will result in more effective cleaning services and other services meant to help those that hoard.  Individuals that struggle with hoarding often collect a range of objects from food containers and trash to live animals and they have an inability to dispose of anything which is a symptom of the more complex anxiety disorders that are behind these hoarding behaviors.  If the individual continues to collect hoarded objects, this can lead to dangerous and unsanitary living conditions.  Nevada Water & Fire Restoration provides hoarding cleaning services in Truckee, CA to help thoroughly clean and restore even the most extreme cases of hoarding.  Our careful approach involves establishing mutual trust and respect with the individual while giving them an important role in the cleaning process.

Hoarding Cleaning in Truckee, CA

The collection of objects along with a complete inability to throw anything away can lead to very dangerous living conditions as the hoard of items may restrict access throughout the home, greatly increase the risk of fire, and lead to mold or bacteria growth within the hoard that can have serious health effects.  Part of the problem is that those that hoard are often too embarrassed by the condition of their homes to reach out for help so a family member or close friend usually has to intervene and help them start the cleaning process.  It is important for someone that the individual trusts to help them realize that their situation is not embarrassing but it is dangerous to their well-being.

At Nevada Water & Fire Restoration, our technicians are highly trained to clean up and restore the homes of hoarders using the most advanced cleaning equipment in the industry and we will also disinfect the home to create healthier living conditions.  The following actions are included in our hoarding cleaning services:

  • Saving valuable items such as money and jewelry
  • Disposing of unwanted hoarded items
  • Helping to decide what should be thrown away and what should be recycled
  • Donating items to a non-profit of the client’s choice
  • Distributing kept items to family members and friends
  • Helping with paperwork from attorneys, trusts, and government agencies

Hoarding Cleaning in Truckee, CA

Phase 1: Connecting with the Individual

  • We assess the situation the best we can before entering the home.
  • We establish feelings of mutual trust and respect by talking to the individual.
  • We begin creating a cleaning plan with the help of the individual and their family members and if either side feels that extra help is needed, we can refer the individual to a professional counselor.

Phase 2: Developing and Implementing the Cleaning Plan

  • We sit with the individual and their family and create a cleaning plan to remove all unwanted items.
  • We will clean and reorganize what is left after the unwanted items are removed.
  • We will assist with decisions on what items should be disposed of, recycled, donated, or kept, leaving the ultimate decision to the individual.

Phase 3: Follow Up

  • Once the cleaning is complete, we create a plan to help the individual keep the home clean.
  • Our short term follow ups help us check the progress of the cleaning plan and if additional cleaning services are needed, we will return.
  • The individual stays in control throughout the process.

The behaviors of hoarding can lead to very serious consequences which is why you should reach out to a close friend or family member that hoards to begin the cleaning process.  The technicians of Nevada Water & Fire Restoration are well trained and equipped to handle any case of hoarding cleaning in Truckee, CA.  You can call us 24 hours a day at 775-546-2036 for more information about our hoarding cleaning services.