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Trauma Scene Cleaning Services for Fleming Island, FL

(904) 559-3223

Every day throughout the United States, accidents and violent crimes happen. Regardless of their commonality, most people don’t experience either. As such, it can be a traumatizing situation if one does occur. Typically, there are biohazard materials at the scene of a violent crime or accident, meaning the area is dangerous for those who aren’t properly trained to handle such materials. When encountering these situations, contact local law enforcement and EMTs. Afterwards, get in touch with a professional cleaning service to tend to the scene. RestorationMaster will conduct safe cleanup of biohazard materials in Fleming Island, FL through our trauma scene cleaning services. We employ technicians who have done proper training and who have received necessary certification to tend to any biohazard materials. In addition, we restore the property back to a safe environment.

Trauma-Scene-Cleaning-Services-for-Fleming-Island-FLThe presence of biohazard materials makes the scene of an accident or a violent crime dangerous, because these materials contain viruses, bacteria, and toxins. Some examples of biohazard materials include blood and other bodily fluids. Infection or disease can spread if such materials are handled by someone without the proper training. At RestorationMaster, we have professionals who have all undergone training and received certification to remove biohazard materials in a safe manner, minimizing the potential for spreading disease and infections. Once we remove the biohazard materials, we clean and sanitize the scene with powerful cleaners and disinfectants. Additionally, we protect ourselves by using only the best personal protective equipment (PPE).

The following steps are included in our trauma scene cleaning services:

  • Biohazard materials removal
  • Complete scene cleaning and sanitization
  • Biohazard materials transportation to a licensed medical waste facility
  • Compliance of local, state, and federal health regulations

Our professionals understand that these situations can be difficult if it concerns the injury or death of a family member or friend. That said, we do what we need to in order to protect your privacy. We will be compassionate and respectful with you to help ease the emotional burden of the situation and come to the scene in unmarked vehicles to conduct our work in an efficient manner. For violent crime scenes, we will work with law enforcement officials as they carry out the investigation.

Coming across the scene of a death or severe injury can be a traumatic experience, but it is important that you remain calm and get in touch with the right people. If your property is the scene of such a situation, it is your responsibility to clean up the area. At RestorationMaster, we can take care of that with our trauma scene cleaning services in Fleming Island, FL. We will rid of all biohazard materials in a safe manner and then proceed to restore the scene to a clean and safe environment. We can be reached at (904) 559-3223 on a 24/7 basis for our emergency trauma scene cleaning services.