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Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration & Cleanup in Albuquerque, NM


(505) 814-1411
When a fire occurs, the damage it causes can be quite devastating to your home or building and it can also put the safety of you and your family at serious risk.  Once the fire has been put out, the damage is not done as soot and corrosive byproducts will continue to spread damage that can become permanent without quick enough restoration.  RestorationMaster provides fire damage restoration services in Albuquerque and Bernalillo, NM to clean up and repair homes and businesses that have been affected by a fire.  We will immediately stop the damage from spreading and restore your home or building with our advanced cleaning products and equipment.

The heat from a fire causes synthetic materials in your home to release chemical emissions that along with the soot from the smoke, can spread to areas beyond those affected by the flames to cause tarnishing and etching.  This type of damage can become permanent in as little as 72 hours.  Our technicians can remove damage from the soot and corrosive byproducts as well as clean up and repair damage from the flames using the best cleaning products and equipment of the industry.  We use different combinations of chemical cleaners to remove soot damage from a range of delicate surfaces including porcelain, chrome, aluminum, marble, brass, tile, carpeting, and upholstery.

Our fire and smoke damage restoration services consist of the following 5 steps:

Commercial Fire Damage Cleanup & Restoration in Albuquerque, NM –
Watch Our RestorationMaster Video:

For Commercial Fire and Smoke Damage Cleanup and Restoration Services in Albuquerque, NM, contact RestorationMaster at (505) 814-1411.

Commercial Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration

Fires in a commercial setting can be very dangerous because there are more people at risk than in a home and the damage from a fire can cost a company money in repair costs and lost time.  Our professionals at RestorationMaster are committed to getting businesses in Albuquerque and Bernalillo, NM that have been damaged by a fire restored as quickly as possible to minimize the interruption to their business activities.

What to Do After a Fire

  • Immediately contact RestorationMaster for fire damage restoration to stop the spread of the damage.
  • If the temperature outside is over 60 degrees, air out your home to help get rid of the smell.
  • Clean off Formica, chrome, aluminum, and porcelain surfaces to prevent permanent etching.
  • Change the air filter on your furnace if it uses forced hot air.
  • Filter soot from the air by covering your return and supply vents with a damp cheesecloth.
  • Dispose of any open food packages.
  • If you lose power, thoroughly clean out the inside of your refrigerator.
  • Submit clothing and other fabric with smoke damage for restoration dry cleaning services.

What NOT to Do After a Fire

  • Avoid touching soot damaged surfaces with your hands because the oils in your hand can penetrate wood, drywall, and upholstery and make the soot damage worse.
  • Attempting to remove soot from your walls with improper cleaning methods will make it worse.
  • Don’t attempt to clean your carpeting or upholstery.
  • Avoid using electrical appliances until they have been inspected for safety.
  • Do not use a ceiling fixture on a wet ceiling. Doing so could cause a short circuit.

Contact us 24/7

The effects of a fire can be quite devastating for homes and businesses. Such damage requires immediate attention to prevent it from spreading and becoming permanent. If your home or building in Albuquerque or Bernalillo, NM has sustained damage in a fire, contact RestorationMaster. We will stop the damage from spreading and get your home or building restored. You can call us 24 hours a day at (505) 814-1411 for emergency fire damage restoration.