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Pathogen and Odor Control Services in Lincoln City, OR 97367


(888) 915-7197

Not many individuals stop to think that odors can contain dangerous pathogens that are harmful to one’s health. Just as mold is dangerous if inhaled, some odors can contain disease-causing bacteria and viruses. This is why it is extremely important to call an odor and pathogen removal service in order to effectively eliminate the harmful substances at their source. The dangerous pathogens that may be contained within the odors can include: Norovirus, E. Coli, Influenza-A Virus, and more. However, RestorationMaster has employed a chemical new in the industry that will effectively remove all dangerous bacteria contained within the odor and pathogens: chlorine dioxide (ClO2). In addition to their ongoing training, our technicians are experienced in using this product to completely restore the affected property to its original condition.

Pathogen Control

As pathogens are known to contain harmful bacteria, those living with allergies and respiratory problems are especially prone to negative health effects. This makes calling a pathogen removal company essential in order to protect against severe diseases. RestorationMaster has licensed, trained professionals to not only eliminate all pathogens at their source, but ensure that they will not be coming back any time soon. With the introduction of ClO2, this chemical is designed to break down the chemical makeup of the contaminants, obliterating them completely. This new cleaning product is also one of the industry’s most eco-friendly products, meaning that it will not harm the affected surface. As our technicians are excited to use this new product, the effectiveness and efficiency of our services has been greatly increased.

Odor Removal

As odors can include many unpleasant smells, including odors from: skunk, fuel, urine, and more. If you encounter any unpleasant odors in your home, be sure to call a certified odor control company right away. The technicians at RestorationMaster will employ the use of ClO2 to effectively eliminate all odors at their source, preventing them from returning in the future. This chemical also has the potential to penetrate deep within the compounds of the odor, eliminating them completely while disinfecting the property. As this product was historically believed to only be used for large-scale projects, it has now been approved to be used on odor control projects of all sizes.

Our cleaning services are able to remove all of the following disease-causing bacteria and viruses:

  • E. Coli
  • Polioviros
  • Herpes Simplex-2
  • Influenza-A Virus
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • Staph Infection
  • Hepatitis A
  • MRSA
  • Salmonella

Our deodorization services can remove the following odors:

  • Skunk
  • Protein
  • Tobacco
  • Smoke & Fire
  • Urine
  • Fuel
  • Bio/Trauma
  • Pet
  • Chemical/Drug Lab/VOC’s

If you or a loved one has encountered a foul odor on your property, be sure to call a professional pathogen and odor removal company. Because these odors can carry harmful substances, it is imperative to call the service as soon as possible. Finally, RestorationMaster is available 24/7 at (888) 915-7197 to provide professional cleaning services in the Lincoln City, OR area.