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Mold Removal in Bountiful, UT

(801) 742-5694

When there is mold in any home or building, there is a great risk for everyone to experience allergies and other health risks while causing significant damage to the property structure. Mold often appears with excess moisture and humidity as it allows the natural mold spores to grow into mold colonies. It causes serious damage within the building materials as the fungus consumes them, using them as a food source. The situation will only become worse over time and the health and safety risk for everyone on the property is heightened. As soon as you find mold growth, it’s important to address it right away.


Mold Removal in Bountiful, UT

RestorationMaster provides mold removal services in Bountiful, UT for both homes and businesses. Our technicians are licensed and trained to remove mold at the source while finding all omld growth to ensure it doesn’t return in the future. We will also repair all structural damage while improving air circulation throughout the property to prevent it from growing in other areas.

Issues Caused by Mold

One of the biggest issues caused by mold includes property damage. Areas that experience higher moisture content include the kitchen, bathrooms, basement, attic, and crawlspaces, but any spaces with excess moisture are also threatened. In order to grow, mold requires two ingredients: moisture and cellulose. Cellulose is widely found in building materials today, including insulation, carpeting, wood floors, drywall, and the ceiling. Once the mold starts growing, it consumes the cellulose within the building materials, causing warping, discoloration, and rotting.

In addition to property damage, mold is also a trigger of major health issues like breathing and asthma issues. Common symptoms of mold exposure include headaches, runny nose, itchy eyes, trouble breathing, and coughing. But the health effects will only grow worse as the mold spores continue to spread throughout the property.

Mold Remediation Services

At RestorationMaster, our technicians are trained to identify and remove all mold growth within the property. Our proven methods and products are guaranteed to remove mold at the source while tackling moisture issues to prevent the mold from returning.

Our mold removal services include each of the following:

  • Mold inspection
  • Setting up containment chambers to prevent the mold from spreading
  • Complete mold removal
  • Repair of weakened building materials
  • Removal of the moisture source

As soon as it starts growing, mold can be a big issue within the property as it contributes to structural damage and negative health effects. But our professionals are always ready to respond with professional cleaning products to remove it at the source.

Get a Free Estimate

Contact RestorationMaster at (801) 742-5694 for professional mold removal services in Bountiful, UT and the surrounding areas.