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Soft Content Restoration for Memphis, TN


When a natural disaster such as a flood, fire, storm, or mold causes damage in a home, the damage is not just limited to the furnishings and structural elements.  This type of damage often affects your personal belongings which may include soft contents such as clothing, drapes, and blankets, and because soft content is delicate, the damage can be particularly severe.  RestorationMaster provides soft content restoration services in Memphis, TN to clean and restore soft content that has been heavily damaged in a disaster.  We can effectively remove water, soot, odors, and mold from a wide range of soft content and restore its original condition.

Soft Cleaning in Memphis, TN

Why Soft Content Restoration

When soft content such as clothing, linens, and others are damaged by soot, mold, or flood water, these items are typically considered lost.  However, many soft content items including wedding dresses, stuffed animals, jackets, and purses have sentimental value to the people that own them and losing these items completely in a disaster can be devastating.  The soft content restoration services that we provide can restore around 90 percent of damaged soft content using environmentally friendly cleaning solutions and equipment with no harsh chemicals that could ruin your items.  These services will simplify the claims process by reducing the amount of damaged items and save you the money it would take to replace your damaged soft content.

The types of soft content that can be restored with these services include the following:

  • Clothing and jackets
  • Wedding dresses
  • Bedding including comforters and pillows
  • Linens
  • Rugs
  • Stuffed animals and dolls
  • Shoes
  • Purses
  • Leathers, suedes, and furs

There are several benefits to our soft content cleaning services:

  • About 90 percent of soft content damaged in a disaster can be restored to its pre-loss condition.
  • Removal of odor, soot, bacteria, mold, and other bio waste from all soft content.
  • Valuable and sentimental soft content items can be salvaged.
  • Simpler insurance claims process.
  • Lower overall cleaning and restoration costs.

If you have soft content such as clothing, bedding, rugs, or linens that have been damaged by a flood, fire, or mold, there is no need to panic.  RestorationMaster can effectively restore all types of damaged soft content for homeowners in Memphis, TN with our soft content restoration services.  Make sure to call us as soon as possible at (901) 410-4664 to help limit the damage and salvage your soft content.